zaterdag 14 augustus 2021

House 1:48

I made this house in scale 1:48
It’s the house my daughter-in-law grew up in.
Her parents still live there.
She asked me over a year ago if I wanted to copy it as a suprise…
And I said yes, nice challenge.
Her parents don’t know I made it, next Thursday we’re going to give it.

Here are some pictures 1:1 next to 1:48

The real house, in front my daughter-in-law and Fleur


7 opmerkingen:

  1. Really Impressive work and I am sure that your daughter- in- law's parents will THRILLED to see their home, able to fit in the palms of their hands- What a treasure!

  2. Wow! Such an amazing little project! That it is a specific house your DIL knew well is such a treat! I hope they are amazed when they see it! Great Work!

  3. Another wonderful piece from your talented hands Sylvia, wow what a house!

  4. This is so amazing! Your talent is extraordinary!

  5. Hey,
    I’m impressed by your blog. Absolutely amazing work.
