This afternoon Rosanna and Sans arrive in the Netherlands
Tea at my place
Margriet send a beautiful present that arrive this afternoon, I shall make a picture later
3 weken geleden
The making of dollshouses and other miniatures
Have a good time together.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHugs from Craftland
I am following the footsteps of Susan and Rosanna, I am happy to know that they have arrived safe and sound in your home! a kiss to you three! :)
It is SO MUCH Fun to see Sans and Rosanna Flit from Blog to Blog all over Europe!!!! It is almost a game to guess what Blog will Feature them next! Lol! I am enjoying this excursion Very Much!! I am Certain that the Fair will be a Blast! And I can't wait to see what Treasures you all find... Beyond the Treasure of Such wonderful Friendship!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPour a cup of Tea for me too....!
Thank you!!!!
I too am following Rosanna & Sans from blog-to-blog & country-to-country......a very big 'hello' to you all and wishing you all a very happy time together.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKeep the photos coming...please.
Good to see you've arrived safe and sound... wish you loads of fun - and I'm curious how much luggage it will be AFTER the fair (LOL).
Have fun girls!
That is so great to follow your adventure and see all pictures! Such a fun! What country is next? I will be happy to meet you in America, girls! Mini hugs, Natalia
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni too am hopping from blog to blog following San's adventures :D Looks like a lovely time to be had for all involved!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Sylvia! Kom ik toevallig weer eens op jouw blog (gebeurt vaak genoeg) blijkt dat de dames bij jou zijn voor de beurs in Arnhem, voor mij heel dichtbij dus. Leuk om te volgen allemaal, maar dat heb je al verschillende malen in allerlei talen gehoord. Veel plezier komend weekend, jammer dat ik niet kan komen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroeten (ook aan Sans en vooral Rosanna, want haar "ken" ik beter), Ilona
Have a wonderful time together. I too am following their travels.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a wonderful time, all of you!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeel veel plezier samen. Ik zie dat je in Arnhem staat, leuk ik ga er ook heen met mijn moeder. Misschien zie ik je daar. Groetjes
What a wonderful journey. Have fun!
Your home is definitely one of the major highlights of Holland for me, Sylvia. Cannot thank you enough for the warmth, hospitality, great home cooked food and tour of Almhere. Not forgetting the jig saw. For some reason I actually slept with the blade last night. You can find it at the side of your bed. Forgot to tell you this morning :).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKisses to everyone from Amsterdam!! Rosanna and I are taking a break in the hotel before going out for a night out in the sauciiest part of town in Europe ;)
Hello ladies and see you tomorrow in the fair ( Normally easy to recognize me I have one big flashy pink LOngchamps bag) and have fun!!!! doei, claude
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLeuk dat zij bij jou komen logeren.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMorgen kom ik ook naar Arnhem.
Doe groeten aan Rosanna en Sans en ook voor jou.
Tot morgen, Lisette
It must be so nice to meet each other.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave fun.
Ohhh dat zal gezellig zijn geweest :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat ontzettend leuk dat hun bij je op bezoek kwamen!!
Liefs Jollie