Yesterday Sabiha and I went to the show in Arnhem. Of course we had a great day and bought some wonderful things. First the stove, number 1 at my list (LOL) When you put a light behind it , it is going to glow. Here some more other things, wood, glass, fabrics And I have the cheese slicer. I saw it last year, but didn't buy it ( there is a whole story behind it) This year we went straight to the shop when we enter the show. More dogs, Lotje and her sisters in the living room. I bought also something else, but I shall show it after the make-over And a wonderful present from Sylvia: Such a nice lady that makes beautiful workshops. Thank you again, Sylvia
Josje, het was ook leuk om jouw eens te ontmoeten!
Today I received some beautiful gifts from Jollie Look at the dog-food and cookies, so real!! And the book, al the page are about Sharpei's She is watching the new house already, totaly happy with her toys and wonderful dog bed.
Dank je wel, Jollie!!! Ik ben er enorm blij mee!!!
I made a dormer. The painting on this side is done, just some lead for the roof, the balconies, railing and shutters. Because I have a dormer, there is room for a little guest-room. I also used the beautiful lace that Mercedes give me as curtains, it is just perfect!!